
Showing posts from March, 2007

Did I read that right?

Are they now trying to redefine what a father is? NOW Demands Access to Program Geared to Fathers By Christopher Lee Washington Post Staff Writer Thursday, March 29, 2007; 11:30 AM It's called the Promoting Responsible Fatherhood Initiative, and the Bush administration doles out up to $50 million annually to fund its programs to build job skills and help fathers connect better with their children. But the National Organization for Women says the effort is illegal because it's only about men . Powered by ScribeFire .

House Republicans protecting John Doe

Its nice to see the Republicans starting to get their groove back... House votes to protect 'John Does' on flights By Audrey Hudson March 27, 2007 House Republicans tonight surprised Democrats with a procedural vote to protect public-transportation passengers from being sued if they report suspicious activity -- the first step by lawmakers to protect "John Doe" airline travelers already targeted in such a lawsuit. After a heated debate and calls for order, the motion to recommit the Democrats' Rail and Public Transportation Security Act of 2007 back to committee with instructions to add the protective language passed on a vote of 304-121. Republicans said the lawsuit filed by six Muslim imams against US Airways and "John Does," passengers who reported suspicious behavior, could have a "chilling effect" on passengers who may fear being sued for acting vigilant. Rep. Peter T. King, New York Republican and ranking member of the House H...

Iran violates Geneva Conventions

So where's the outrage? One more thing: these uniformed British servicemen (and woman), unlike captured terrorists, are entitled to be treated in accordance with the Geneva Convention, which Iran has signed. Pretty much every aspect of their treatment has violated the Convention: a video showing them in captivity has been filmed and played on television, they have been "interrogated," in Iran's own description, and are now being held incommunicado in an undisclosed location. Has anyone noticed any outcry from the "world community" about this? Does the Geneva Convention apply to anyone other than the U.S.? More over at Powerline.

If this is muzzled....

Climate scientist sees cover-up By Eric Pfeiffer THE WASHINGTON TIMES March 20, 2007 A NASA scientist who said the Bush administration muzzled him because of his belief in global warming yesterday acknowledged to Congress that he'd done more than 1,400 on-the-job [media] interviews in recent years . powered by performancing firefox powered by performancing firefox

Rosie O'Donnell is a blithering idiot!

I challenge you to get through her entire tirade without damaging your television set. She gets numerous facts wrong and no one challenges her except Elisabeth Hasselbeck who can't get a complete sentence out against the other three liberal rocket scientists on The Rosie O'Donnell Show, I mean The View. How can Barbara Walters continue to allow this loudmouth blowhard to continue to spew this crap out as fact? You've got to start to questions Walters judgment on this. powered by performancing firefox

Hey...this all sounds mighty familiar!

ATTORNEY GENERAL SEEKS RESIGNATIONS FROM PROSECUTORS By DAVID JOHNSTON, Published: March 24, 1993 Attorney General Janet Reno today demanded the prompt resignation of all United States Attorneys, leading the Federal prosecutor in the District of Columbia to suggest that the order could be tied to his long-running investigation of Representative Dan Rostenkowski, a crucial ally of President Clinton. Jay B. Stephens, the United States Attorney for the District of Columbia, who is a Bush Administration holdover, said he had advised the Justice Department that he was within 30 days of making a “critical decision” in the Rostenkowski case when Ms. Reno directed him and other United States Attorneys to submit their resignations, effective in a matter of days. While prosecutors are routinely replaced after a change in Administration, Ms. Reno’s order accelerated what had been expected to be a leisurely changeover. Says He Won’t Resist At a news conference today on...

Jim Webb, you wanted him you got him!

Sen Jim Webb on ABC This Week with George Stephanopolous trying to say he is for a withdrawal by saying he is not for a withdrawal; STEPHANOPOULOS : But you Senate Democrats are trying to put more pressure on the Maliki government. You said — you've introduced legislation this week, Senator Reid, the majority leader has, calling for a goal of getting all combat forces out of Iraq by next March 31st. But this summer, you told Joe Klein of Time magazine — I want to show what you told Joe Klein. He was talking about a discussion you had, and he said, when he, Webb, talks about the war in Iraq, "Jim Webb, the Democrat running for the Senate, U.S. Senate from Virginia, likes to paraphrase Dwight Eisenhower on the war in Korea: Anyone who tells you we can set a timetable for withdrawal doesn't understand war." STEPHANOPOULOS : If a timetable was wrong then, why is it right now? WEBB: Well, I don't think we should have a specific timetable for getting out. I've...

"Balance as bias"

I had to read this three times to be sure Al Gore actually said that the media is biased against global warming because they are providing balanced coverage. Say what? "I believe that is one of the principal reasons why political leaders around the world have not yet taken action," Gore said. "There are many reasons, but one of the principal reasons in my view is more than half of the mainstream media have rejected the scientific consensus implicitly — and I say 'rejected,' perhaps it's the wrong word. They have failed to report that it is the consensus and instead have chosen … balance as bias . First, its not consensus...and since when is a balanced approach bad? powered by performancing firefox