Joe Wilson's pre-Novak speech June 2003
GatewayPundit has a link to audio of Joe Wilson spelling out his anti-Bush agenda a full month before the Novak column was published and he was propogating his lies even then. He starts off;
And what do you know, his wife is listed by name in his bio at "Who's Who In America" and apparently has been there since 1999.
And his wife's name is listed in his bio at the Iraq Forum
Read the rest, its damn interesting...
"Let me just start out by saying, as a preface to what I really want to talk about, to those of you who are going out and lobbying tomorrow, I just want to assure you that American ambassador who has been cited in reports in the New York Times and in the Washington Post, and now in the Guardian over in London, who actually went over to Niger on behalf of the government-not of the CIA but of the government-and came back in February of 2002 and told the government that there was nothing to this story, later called the government after the British white paper was published and said you all need to do some fact-checking and make sure the Brits aren't using bad information in the publication of the white paper, and who called both the CIA and the State Department after the President's State of the Union and said to them you need to worry about the political manipulation of intelligence if, in fact, the President is talking about Niger when he mentions Africa.
That person was told by the State Department that, well, you know, there's four countries that export uranium. That person had served in three of those countries, so he knew a little bit about what he was talking about when he said you really need to worry about this. But I can assure you that that retired American ambassador to Africa, as Nick Kristof called him in his article, is also pissed off, and has every intention of ensuring that this story has legs.
And I think it does have legs. It may not have legs over the next two or three months, but when you see American casualties moving from one to five or to ten per day, and you see Tony Blair's government fall because in the U.K. it is a big story, there will be some ramifications, I think, here in the United States, so I hope that you will do everything you can to keep the pressure on. Because it is absolutely bogus for us to have gone to war the way we did. (first 2 minutes)
And what do you know, his wife is listed by name in his bio at "Who's Who In America" and apparently has been there since 1999.
And his wife's name is listed in his bio at the Iraq Forum
Read the rest, its damn interesting...
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