
The dems just keep shooting themselves in the foot, bless their little hearts.
In case you're short a hot topic tonight, Bill O'Reilly, take a look at the San Francisco Board of Supervisors -- which is working up a resolution calling for the "full investigation, impeachment or resignation'' of President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney.

The Pennsylvania Avenue Pair's alleged crimes:

-- Waging an unnecessary war in Iraq.

-- Authorizing torture of terrorist prisoners.

-- Failing to respond adequately to Hurricane Katrina.

-- And not to be forgotten -- ordering the secret wiretapping of U.S. citizens without a warrant.

San Francisco's ever-left-leaning Supervisor Chris Daly placed the resolution on the board's consent calendar Tuesday -- but the matter was sent to committee at the request of Supervisor Sean Elsbernd, who opposes the resolution. That ensures a roll-call vote when it eventually comes back to full board.

"I have more important things to do than to vote for President Bush's impeachment,'' Elsbernd said.


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