The coming Democratic landslide!

From The Corner;

Republicans appear to be narrowing the Democratic lead in Congressional preference. In new Gallup poll, Democrats hold a two percentage-point lead — the smallest in a year. In answer to the question, "If the elections for Congress were being held today, which party's candidate would you vote for in your Congressional district?" 47 percent of said the Democratic candidate, while 45 percent said the Republican candidate. That two-point gap is far smaller than 51-40 Democratic advantage just three weeks ago. In June, the Democratic advantage was 54-38; in April, it was 54-39; in March, it was 55-39; in February, it was 50-43; in January, it was 49-43; in October 2005, it was 50-43; and in August 2005, it was 53-41.

All those numbers are drawn from registered voters. Among people described as "regular voters" — according to Gallup, "registered voters who say they 'always vote' and who say they voted in the last mid-term election," in the new poll, Democrats and Republicans are tied, 48-48.


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