Rangel says draft = no wars

I am at a loss to follow this logic but Rep. Charlie Rangel has again brought the idea of reinstituting a draft as a way to deter future wars.


He says that if there were a draft which would put congressmen's sons and daughters (I am sure he means Republican congressmen) at risk of being sent to war that this would some how prevent the president from initiating wars such as the Iraq War.


I am not sure how this would affect enemies of the US but it can't be anything positive. In fact it might embolden them to attack sooner if they think we would have an unwilling military.

Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer don't seem to enthused by the idea;
Top House Democrats to bar military draft plan
Mon Nov 20, 2006 12:46pm ET

By Richard Cowan

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A reinstatement of the military draft, being pushed by a senior Democrat, will not be slated for consideration in the House of Representatives, the chamber's newly elected top leaders said on Monday.

"We did not include that" in legislative plans for early next year, said Democratic Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland, who will be House majority leader when the new Congress convenes in January under Democratic control for the first time in 12 years.

New York Democratic Rep. Charles Rangel, who is in line to chair the House Ways and Means Committee next year, has renewed his call for the draft, saying the war in Iraq is being fought by American soldiers who disproportionately are from low-income families and minorities.

Over the weekend, Rangel said he would seek passage next year of the universal draft legislation he has long sought. "If we're going to challenge Iran and challenge North Korea and then, as some people have asked, to send more troops to Iraq, we can't do that without a draft," Rangel said on CBS' "Face the Nation" on Sunday.

No big surprise, even Rangel voted against his own plan back in 2004 when the vote was 402-2 against.


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