Debates? We don't need no stinking debates!

There will come a point where the perception will be that Obama is afraid to debate John McCain and its getting close to that now. Here is his latest attempt at explaining why he won't agree to town-hall style debates with John McCain. He already has debated 22 times, against Hillary that is. From Meet The Press;
SEN. OBAMA: Well, here's the thing, I mean, listen, I, I, I think—I can say a little something about debates since I had 22 of them in, in the Democratic primary. I don't know how many John had. At a certain point, they become, I think, less of a serious exchange of ideas and rather they have—they become competing talking points or, or press releases. I, I think it's important for us to have some hard-hitting debates. I think it's also important for us to spend time talking to the voters directly, and that's what I intend to do.


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