Could Joe the Plumber turn the election?

The winner of the debate last night was clearly not Obama or McCain.  The winner was clearly Joe The Plumber.  He was mentioned by some counts 15 times last night and his message was easy to understand for all Americans.  Obama wants to take my hard earned money and give to other people.  Spread the wealth.  This message is so simple and it may be the one issue that resonates with the American people and turns the election in favor of McCain. 

McCain said repeatedly and simply that we wanted to let Americans keep more of their money.  He spoke directly to all of the "Joe the Plumbers" out there.  It could be the one issue that Americans latch on to.

Joe "The Plumber" Wurzelbacher was interviewed after the debate by the Toledo Blade and made it quite clear who he was voting for and what he thinks of Obama's plans.  He is a socialist.

And here he is on Good Morning America leaving Diane Sawyer speechless...


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