Michelle Malkin has a great column about the Flight 93 memorial controversy, also go to her site for more . Please get involved to stop this insult from going forward, here is my email to the Superintendent of the memorial. To those responsible for this travesty, How completely inappropriate, insensitive and pathetically PC to the families of the victims of Flight 93 to create a memorial that "embraces" the symbol of the religion of those that murdered, no, slaughtered them on September 11, 2001. It is beyond disgusting that this design was even allowed to be submitted for consideration, much less actually win this supposed competition. Even if this is an innocent coincidence, which is highly questionable after viewing the firm's philosophy on their website, care should have been taken to protect the memory of everyone on Flight 93 considering what has happened (but hopefully thwarted) at the WTC site instead of attempting to invoke some subconscious guilt ridden accep...