Not black enough...literally.
This is despicable...from CNN pop culture correspondent Toure;
One cannot also help but wonder if maybe Obama’s success will quietly, unwittingly, ruffle some deep feathers by recalling some color issues within the black community. His election may serve to highlight, once again, the color biases of white people (at least in the electoral realm). The three biggest elected offices in America are president, governor, and senator, and all the black men who have held those offices are light- skinned—Obama, Deval Patrick (current governor of Massachusetts), David Paterson (current governor of New York), Doug Wilder (former governor of Virginia), and Edward Brooke (former senator from Massachusetts). Even the black man who’ll go down in history as the one who could have been president if only he’d found a fire in the belly, Colin Powell, is very light-skinned. These color issues matter only because there are long-held stereotypes attached to them that have no relevance or integrity today, but somehow still seem to be upheld.
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