In the nick of time...

Nothing in the article about how it was discovered aside from the year long investigation...
Belgium: 14 Al Qaeda Suspects Arrested, One Planned Imminent Suicide Attack

Police outside European Council HQ in Brussels

Police increase security for the EU summit in Brussels

The arrests were made during 16 raids in Brussels, as European Union leaders gathered for a summit there, and one in Liege.

"We don't know where the suicide attack was to take place," federal prosecutor Johan Delmulle said.

"It could have been an operation in Pakistan or Afghanistan, but it can't be ruled out that Belgium or Europe could have been the target."

One of the suspects had "received the green light to carry out an operation from which he was not expected to come back," Mr Delmulle quoted investigators as saying.

The man "had said goodbye to his loved ones, because he wanted to enter paradise with a clear conscience", he added.

"This information, linked to the fact that a European summit is getting under way at this moment in Brussels, left us no choice but to take action today."


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