And the beat goes on...
It seems that John Kerry's spokesman has taken exception to Rush Limbaugh and Ken Mehlman's accurate take on Kerry calling US soldiers terrorists on CBS's Face The Nation this past Sunday. In case you forgot what Kerry said;
That last part is classic, Iraqi's should be doing the terrorizing, according to Kerry.
A statement from Kerry's spokesman David Wade;
A little touchy, I think. And what would Kerry's position be? Cut and run, of course. But that's what he calls a strategy for victory. Hard to believe that Kerry said this on March 20, 2003;
SCHIEFFER: "Democrat Senator Joe Lieberman of Connecticut, he takes a very different view, Senator Kerry. He says basically that we should stay the course, because he says real progress is being made. He says, 'This is a war between 27 million Iraqis who want freedom and 10,000 terrorists.' He says we're in a watershed transformation. What about that?"
JOHN KERRY: I don't agree with that. But I think what we need to do is recognize what we all agree on, which is, you've got to begin to set benchmarks for accomplishment; you've got to begin to transfer authority to the Iraqis, and there is no reason, Bob, that young American soldiers need to be going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children, you know, women, breaking sort of the customs of the -- of -- of -- of -- historical customs, religious customs, whether you like it or not. Iraqis should be doing that.
That last part is classic, Iraqi's should be doing the terrorizing, according to Kerry.
A statement from Kerry's spokesman David Wade;
'Ken Mehlman’s filthy and shameful lie about a decorated combat veteran is disgraceful. Political hack Ken Mehlman and draft dodging, donut eating Rush Limbaugh have something in common. Neither of them know anything about how to make American troops safe. John Kerry will continue to speak out about how to succeed in Iraq and protect brave American troops'...
A little touchy, I think. And what would Kerry's position be? Cut and run, of course. But that's what he calls a strategy for victory. Hard to believe that Kerry said this on March 20, 2003;
WASHINGTON, DC – Senator John Kerry issued the following statement in response to the commencement of military strikes in Iraq:
“It appears that with the deadline for exile come and gone, Saddam Hussein has chosen to make military force the ultimate weapons inspections enforcement mechanism. If so, the only exit strategy is victory, this is our common mission and the world’s cause. We're in this together. We want to complete the mission while safeguarding our troops, avoiding innocent civilian casualties, disarming Saddam Hussein and engaging the community of nations to rebuild Iraq.”
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