Greta is pissed!

What is with CNN ? KEEPING THEM (CNN) honest: guess what CNN did! CNN put Gov Sarah Palin in same category as John Edwards, Elliott Spitzer, Gov Blago and more!! « GretaWire
What is with CNN ? KEEPING THEM (CNN) honest: guess what CNN did! CNN put Gov Sarah Palin in same category as John Edwards, Elliott Spitzer, Gov Blago and more!!
by Greta Van Susteren

Wait until you read this one about CNN!! (and yes, I will continue to defend women who are gratuitously insulted! I hope you will, too. You should not agree with all their positions on issues because they are women..but you sure should defend the jerks who just want to trash them - whether it be Senator Clinton or Governor Palin - for ratings.)

So what is CNN’s latest “news?” Their “news” is their conclusion that Gov Palin = some pretty creepy guys.

Governor Sarah Palin falling from grace????? (that’s what CNN says!) The Governor of the largest state in the union who was on the ticket to be VP and that is falling for grace? huh? That’s a fall? Who would not want her success???

So what is the latest that provokes the above?

Get this: CNN put out a list of “falling from grace in 2008″ and put Governor Palin on the list with (get ready!!) this group of men:

Senator John Edwards who cheated on his wife but gave the excuse his wife was in remission from cancer (nice, huh?)…

Governor Elliott Spitzer cheating on his wife with a prostitute (and let’s not forget the black socks!)…

Senator Ted Stevens convicted of crimes….he said he didn’t use the $2000 plus gift chair in his house…that’s a good one!!

…or how about Detroit Mayor Kilpatrick? convicted of felonies!!!

and Governor Blago who is about to be indicted for alleging selling a Senate Seat that was occupied by our next President???

CNN thinks Governor Palin is like these guys? one of these guys? is that fair? Let’s KEEP CNN HONEST…is this right? post your comment…

Check out this article below:

CNN Places Sarah Palin With 2008’s Criminals, Sex Addicts, and the Corrupt
By Warner Todd Huston
January 4, 2009 - 07:06 ET


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