Tapper: Another Jones 9/11 Truther Link

Jake Tapper continues to do the work the rest of the mainstream media (except for Major Garrett) won't do. Also Gateway Pundit posted this info this morning at 06:30am;

Another Possible Link Emerges Between Top Obama Official and "9/11 Truther" Movement

September 04, 2009 9:55 AM

While an administration official told ABC News that controversial White House official Van Jones's signature on a 2004 petition suggesting that the Bush administration let 9/11 happen in order to justify war was because he did not carefully review the language in the petition, another link between Jones and the Truther movement has emerged.

This is becoming problematic for the Obama administration, which spent much time and energy belittling the fringe "Birther" movement  of those alleging, despite myriad evidence, that President Obama was not born in the U.S.

Jones said in a statement yesterday that he did not agree with the 2004 Truther petition and it "does not reflect my views now or ever."

But in March 2002, a march in San Francisco was called to demand a congressional inquiry into 9/11. Jones was on the "organizing committee."


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