Change We Can Believe In, But Not Really Practice...

Howard Fineman says BHO's VP is 36 year career politician Senator Joe Biden of Delaware and chairman of the Foreign Relations committee, you know the guy that said of Obama "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,";

Within the last few hours I’ve spoken with two of the
finalists for the role of Barack Obama’s running-mate, and to two other
sources who are close to the process.

My bottom line is this: Barring a big surprise or last-minute change
of heart, the choice is likely to be Sen. Joe Biden of Deleware,
chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee…

“If I had to bet my life on it, I’d bet it is Joe,” said one of the other contenders.

Said another, “Barack is moving toward a seasoned Beltway type, and that probably means Biden.”


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