CNN's take on the ex-brother-in-law is in step with the rest of the media Palin coverage

See The Stata-Sphere for all the maddening little excerpt on Wooten, the ex-brother-in-law who says he's made some mistakes;
Wooten was headed home in a rage, McCann said. She called Palin and put
the phone on speaker so Palin could listen when Wooten got there and
get help if things got bad. Palin had her teenage son Track listen in,
too. As McCann remembered it, Wooten said if their father got a lawyer
for her “he would eat a f’ing lead bullet. I will shoot him.

Palin drove over and watched through the window. She and McCann both
said Wooten was all wound up. A neighbor who stood watch as well later
told troopers that Wooten looked angry but that McCann wasn’t cowering
or anything.


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