Another poll showing basicallty the same drop in numbers...

This is the Wall Street Journal/NBC poll;

Nearly seven in 10 survey respondents said they had concerns about federal interventions into the economy, including Mr. Obama's decision to take an ownership stake in General Motors Corp., limits on executive compensation and the prospect of more government involvement in health care. The negative feeling toward the GM rescue was reflected elsewhere in the survey as well.

A solid majority — 58% — said that the president and Congress should focus on keeping the budget deficit down, even if takes longer for the economy to recover...

Mr. Obama's overall job approval and personal ratings have slipped, particularly among independent voters. His job approval rating now stands at 56%, down from 61% in April. Among independents, it dropped from nearly two-to-one approval to closely divided.

When asked what the most important economic issue facing the country is, 24% cited the deficit, vs. just 11% who named health care.

This one shows a much lower approval rating...and health care not really too important to Americans right now.


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